The Task<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


Public propertyHasEnded
Returns true when processing of this task has been ended or has been skipped due early abortion.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyIsEnding
Returns true when processing of this task is ending.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyIsFailed
Returns true if the task should abort and has been ended. This value will not been set to true in case of an exception while processing this task. The user needs to add checks for these kind of situation.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyIsSucceeded
Returns true when the task has successfully been processed. Tasks which throw exceptions will not be set to a failed state, also any exceptions will not be catched, the user needs to add checks for these kind of situation.
(Inherited from Task.)
Public propertyRawResult (Overrides Task..::..RawResult.)
Public propertyResult
Public propertyShouldAbort
Returns true if the task should abort. If a Task should abort and has not yet been started it will never start but indicate an end and failed state.
(Inherited from Task.)

See Also